Saturday 10 May 2014

Argentine Ant infestation in Eastbourne

I am dealing with an Argentine Ant infestation in Eastbourne tomorrow. They are located in a specific area, which I'm aware of, having dealt with a few local properties with the same ant species. I don't want to be too specific, as it appears to be under the radar at present, and I don't want to embarrass my client or notify my competition.

The BBC link details the potential enormity of this tiny pest. The ant has the similar colouring to Lasius niger (Garden Ant). But, it is distinctive as it is significantly smaller. As opposed to one Queen per colony, the Argentine Ant has numerous Queens.

Your probable reaction might be to treat with an insecticide powder or spray? STOP! This is akin to throwing petrol on a fire. The many Queens react by abandoning the colony and establishing satellite colonies. Ultimately their pheromone; which does not disturb nor antagonise other Argentine Ants, helps to develop ever larger super colonies.

View the article on the BBC.

Always correctly research and identify the pest. You will then understand, crucially, their behaviour, how they breed, feed and so on...

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